It's ALL about EPPHY

......On My Way To Become Good Wife And Great Mother.......


"I have lived through much and I now I think I have found what is needed for happiness. A quiet, secluded life in the country with possibility of being useful to people" -Tolstoy

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Montly Meeting dan Marcomm Class Agustus Young On Top Campus Ambassador

Inspiratif, menyenangkan dan penuh ilmu pengetahuan.... Senenggggg banget. Thank you mas Billy Boen, mas Taufan Akbari, Kak Sirly, semua mentor Young On Top, dan semua teman-teman Campus Ambassador. Thak you atas ilmu dan kesempatan yang diberikan. I'm proud to have you all. I'm blessed.

Marcom Class 1 : Negotiation Skill by Taufan Teguh Akbari ( dosen London School of Public Relation )
Yang paling saya ingat dari presentasi dari mas Taufan adalah gambar bocah imut yang lagi tersenyum dan ada tulisan "did you smile today" that was a cool ice breaking. Trus alunan musik lembut yang mengiringi presentasi dari mas Taufan membuat nyaman dan lebih mudah menangkap ilmu yang diberikan.

Menjadi negosiator yang baik itu harus mampu untuk melihat suatu hal dari segala sisi.

Kemampuan bernegosiasi dan berkomunikasi merupakan salah satu dari interpersonal skill.

Notes about negotiation by Billy Boen :
1. Preparation is the key, knowledge is power. Harus melakukan research sebelum meeting.
2. Pilih tempat yang netral
3. Datang lebih awal
4. Tanya apa yang mereka mau
5. Best! Hasil terbaik adalah ketika kedua pihak sama-sama senang

Jangan lupa di setiap akhir meeting untuk mengucapkan terima kasih.
Seperti sms "thank you for today"

quote :
* "You got to know your audience, what they want and what question you need to ask"
* "The more you say, the more you give away"
* Exercise control, be quiet, ask lots of open questions. Let them talk, listen and take notes"

Eye contact, senyuman, gesture, jabat tangan.

Tambahn dari Mbak Dini
- be mentally prepared. Discuss, don't sell!!!
"This is what we do and what we can offer, how can I help you"

Negosiasi = proposal + MOU

Bukan banyaknya teman, tapi kualitas dari teman tersebut. Contact them frequently.

Elemen penting dalam negosiasi :
1. Attitude
2. Interpersonal skill
3. Knowledge
The more you know, the more you win the battle

YOT Montly Meeting : Organisation skill by Taufan Teguh Akbari ( dosen London School of Public Relation )

"The achievement of an organisation are the result of the combined efford of each individual" Vince Lombardi

X factor dalam organisation skill
1. Teamwork
2. Decision maker dan problem solving
3. managemen conflict
4. Grup communication
5. Contribution

Push yourself to the limit
Jangan mengikuti hal-hal yang gak penting, eksistensi adalah fatamorgana

perform => recognition => respect => power

Be the best version of you!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Review : Milli dan Nathan

Sebuah kisah cinta remaja, Milli dan nathan yang berbeda cara memandang masa depan namun terikat oleh cinta yang sama.

Milli cewek yang sangat santai dalam memandang hidup dan ingin menjadi penulis hingga memutuskan untuk berhenti kuliah dan mengejar cita-citanya. Sedangkan Nathan cowok pinter yang super serius dan ingin fokus untuk mengejar cita-citanya sebagai arsitek. Akhirnya mereka saling jatuh cinta dan mengalami pasang surut cinta dan bisa ditebak endingnya.

Saya suka dengan film ini, meski jalan ceritanya sederhana, namun pandangan mereka bahwa hidup harus mempunyai satu prioritas patut untuk di contoh, khususnya bagi mereka yang ingin melanjutkan kuliah. Visualnyapun cukup meenyegarkan mata dengan kehadiran Chris Laurent dan Olivia Jensen, bening. Kata-kata indah yang dirangjkai oleh Milli juga bagus-bagus. Film ringan yang bagus untuk ditonton sebagai selingan di antara padatnya kesibukan.

Movie Quote =>"Setiap orang mempunyai prioritas masing-masing"

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Liputan Mudik 2013

Akhirnya bisa mudik juga setelah melewati 3 kali lebaran di Jakarta.
Seneng banget. I was so happy to meet my family, my friend, my village and Paciran.
The most memorable mudik ever. Bisa bercengkrama bersama mereka itu menyenangkan. I'm blessed to have you all.

Friday, August 9, 2013

It's my Lovely Village, Paciran

Look, that is my beautiful village, Paciran. I'm so lucky to have it. Beach and mountain, they are perfect combination for peaceful scenery. Thank you to someone who bring me to explore it. I take the picture with my Nokia C6.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Soundtrack of Mudik 2013

Moon On The Water ost Beck

Full moon sways...
Gently in the night of one fine day.

On my way...
Looking for a moment with my dear.
Full moon waves.
Slowly on the surface of the lake.
You were there...
Smilling in my arms for all those years.

What a fool...
I don't know 'bout tomorrow...
What it's like to be.
I was sure,
Couldn't let myself to go.
Even though I feel...
The end.

Old love affair...
Floating like a bird resting her wings.
You were there...
Smiling in my arms for all those years.

What a fool...
I don't know 'bout tomorrow...
What it's like to be.
I was sure,
couldn't let myself to go.
Even though I feel...
The end.

Full moon sways...
Gently in the night of one fine day.
You are there.
Smiling in my arms for all thoses years...

Not with Me by Bondan feat 2 Black

I'm walking up from my summers dreams again
try to thinking if you're alright
then I'm shattered by the shadows of your eyes
knowing you're still here by my side

I can see you if you're not with me
I can say to my self if you're OKAY
I can feel you if you're not with me
I can reach you my self, yuo show me the way

life was never be so easy as it seems
'till you come and bring your love inside
no matter space and distance make it look so far
still I know you're still here by my side

back to *reff

Bondan:'ve made me so alive ,you give the best for and fantasy
yeah..and i never feel so lonely, coz you're always here with me..yeah..always here with me

back to *reff

I'm walking up from my summers dreams again
try to thinking if you're alright
then I'm shattered by the shadows of your eyes
knowing you're still here by my side