It's ALL about EPPHY

......On My Way To Become Good Wife And Great Mother.......


"I have lived through much and I now I think I have found what is needed for happiness. A quiet, secluded life in the country with possibility of being useful to people" -Tolstoy

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hafalan Sholat Delisa by Tere Liye

Aku ingin sekali segera membaca buku ini, tapi nyaliku menciut, aku gak berani menyentuhnya, takut batal puasaku, pasti butiran air mata akan menggenangi pipiku, aku pasti akan terisak saat membaca rangkaian kata-kata yang berjejer indah di buku itu. Aku pasti akan terharu. Pending dulu aja ah, nunggu abis lebaran, hehehe