It's ALL about EPPHY

......On My Way To Become Good Wife And Great Mother.......


"I have lived through much and I now I think I have found what is needed for happiness. A quiet, secluded life in the country with possibility of being useful to people" -Tolstoy

Sunday, September 23, 2012

My book

ternyata koleksi bukuku udah banyak banget ^_^
Memandangi jejeran buku-bukuku yang tertata rapi, lalu tersenyum penuh arti.
Sebanyak buku-buku itu, sebanyak itu pula pelajaran yang sudah aku ambil...
Serapi deretan itulah kepingan mozaik yang sudah tertata di otakku dan
sepanjang jejeran itulah aku telah melangkahkan kakiku....