It's ALL about EPPHY

......On My Way To Become Good Wife And Great Mother.......


"I have lived through much and I now I think I have found what is needed for happiness. A quiet, secluded life in the country with possibility of being useful to people" -Tolstoy

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Write for Healing

Pernahkah kalian membaca kata-kata tersebut? write for healing, yupz menulis untuk mengobati. Kata-kata itu mungkin kata yang tepat diungkapkan untuk kondisiku saat ini.
Heal for what??? Are you sick??? You are oke, right???
Yess I’m oke, but my mind is not.
There is so much thing in my mind.
And I don’t know how to heal it by my self, I don’t know, and I don’t even know what’s wrong with it, but.... I don’t know...
Do you understand what I mean???
And I don’t understand too...

Bingung kan???
Yah, itulah sebabnya...
Bahkan aku sendiri bingung dengan diriku sendiri...
Ah, sudahlah... selamat malam...
Selamat tidur kawan, semoga mimpi indah

#ah, sangat tidak jelas sekali aku ini